“Oh God, You Are My God”
We know from human history that wars begin & end, nations come & go and world leaders rise & fall. What we’re witnessing in Ukraine these days as a madman calls for the destruction of people & property so he can have the country he wants will ultimately take its place in history repeating itself. The heartache & uncertainty become a present tense backdrop to the similar experiences & emotions King David had & felt which led him to write Psalm 63 (probably 1 Samuel 23-24 or 2 Samuel 15).
Like the Ukrainians & King David, we too have to admit that sometimes it’s not just the world around us but the world inside us that seems to be falling apart for reasons we just don’t know with results we just can’t fathom. Even still we can choose to say “Oh God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You.”
No matter the circumstance or situation …
1. God is trustworthy, faithful, good & always worthy of our praise.
We need to see our circumstances in light of who God is, not the other way around.
Psalm 63:1-6 (Psalm 91:1-8)
2. our hearts can be at rest knowing everything will be all right.
Things may not be OK for now, but now is not forever. Everything will be made right.
Psalm 63:9-11 (Genesis 1-2 / Revelation 21-22)
Making It Real
1] How often have you experienced this truth in the midst of your trials?
2] In what ways does knowing “for this I have Jesus” bring comfort to you today?
Action Step
Acknowledge the top three battles, heartaches or struggles in your life & ask God
for the grace to stand in the middle of them with trust in & praise for Him.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224
Pastor Dan Page March 6, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com